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VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten - Multivitamine für Erwachsene (exp.: 25/10/2024)

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CentralVita Energy 60 tablet
CentralVita Energy 60 tablet
Tablety CentralVita Energy
Preis mit MwSt : 173,- CZK
MwSt.:12 %
Rabatt Gesamt:19 %
Original Preis mit MwSt.:214,- CZK
Kategorie: !_doplnek stravy / potravina pro zvlastni vyzivu / ostatni_!
Seller: AlfaFIT distribuční s.r.o. IČ: 09337814
Mehr Informationen: Minimální trvanlivost do: 25/10/2024
Verpackung: 60 Tabletten
Zutaten: zobrazit >>
Preis mit MwSt: 173,- CZK
VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy ist die Kombination von Guarana, Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng und Echinacea, die als natürliche Pick-und stärkt zudem Ihre Energie.

DESCRIPTION: VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten

Vitaharmony CentralVita Energy is a special formulation that combines a comprehensive multivitamin tablet and pick-natural cocktail, which ensures the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals
It also enhances the proven CentralVita product, which is very popular for its fully balanced composition enriched with four plant extracts. The correctness of their selection confirms that the traditional people literally heal from anywhere in the world, starting with South Guatemala and ending with the Korean Jinan. For years proven positive effect of guarana, ginkgo biloba, ginseng and echinacea, we decided to provide you in a unique composition, together with vitamins and minerals for healthy and full of life energy.
The first of these is guarana, a juice made from the South American liqueur called Paullinie drinkable.
The root of life, ginseng, is one of the most important plants in the world.
The binocular, or Ginkgo biloba, is a remarkable tree whose origin extends to the Tertiary, so that sometimes it is not a living fossil.
The highly valued plant is the purple camomile, better known as Purpurea Echinacea.

USE: VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten

Does not contain: gluten, sugar, starch, dyes or preservatives, lactose. Suitable for diabetics.
Ingestion: 1 tablet once a day. Suitable for long-term use.
Not suitable for: children under 12 years, pregnant and nursing women.

WARNING: VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten

Use the contents only from undamaged security packaging. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. It is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a lifelong lifestyle. The product is not intended for children under 12 years. Not suitable for pregnant women. It is suitable for diabetics within the established diet.

PACKAGING: VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten

Dose. 60 tab.

EFFECTS: VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten

For more information about this product, unfortunately, we can not be disclosed because it would be in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 health claims that can not be disclosed. We publish only those health claims that have been approved by the European Commission.

Zusammensetzung - VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten - Multivitamine für Erwachsene (exp.: 25/10/2024)


INGREDIENTS: VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten

Vitamins and minerals:

in 1 tbl.


Vitamin A 800 µg 100
Vitamin D3 10 µg 200
Vitamin E 60 mg 83
Vitamin C 60 mg 75
Vitamin B1 1,5 mg 136
Vitamin B2 1,7 mg 121
Niacin 20 mg 125
Vitamin B6 1,5 mg 143
Folic acid 400 µg 200
Vitamin B12 6 µg 240
Biotin 30 µg 60
Pantothenic acid 10 mg 167
Beta-carotene 800 µg *
Manganese 2,5 mg 125
Calcium 162 mg 20
Phosphorus 125 mg 18
Magnesium 100 mg 27
Iron 18 mg 129
Zinc 15 mg 150
Copper 2000µg 200
Gingko Biloba 10 mg *
Selenium 25 µg 45
Iodine 150 µg 100
Chrome 25 mg 63
Molybden 25 mg 50
Vitamin K 25 mg 33
silicon 10 µg *
Guarana 100 mg *
Ginseng 15 mg *
Echinacea Augustifolia 7,5 mg *
Echinacea Purpurea 7,5 mg *

* the daily reference value of the income is not fixed

** % Daily Revenue Reference value in 1 tablet

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!_potrebujete poradit ?_! VitaHarmony CentralVita Energy 60 Tabletten - Multivitamine für Erwachsene (exp.: 25/10/2024)

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